How to earn extra income in South Africa with no money

How to earn extra income in South Africa with no money

We are in economically tough times; a lot of South Africans are looking for a way to earn an extra income. An extra income can do so much more for a lot of us, in this short post I will share with you how to earn extra income in South Africa with no money. That’s right it is completely possible to start earning money from nothing, this just requires knowledge, knowledge that a lot of people don’t have.

I started my online business with only R100 (true story), today, in just over a year I have expanded to multiple online businesses. For this article I will focus on how you can earn free money in South Africa for starters then move on to cheaper businesses for earning an extra income.

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1) Affiliate marketing

I have written about affiliate marketing in so many of my posts, that’s because it works, I can’t really emphasize enough how powerful it is. Affiliate marketing is basically advertising services or goods for a business and get paid each time someone buys as a result of your marketing efforts. Even the biggest websites in the world with over a hundred million visitors in a month participate in affiliate marketing.

There are not many affiliate marketing programs in South Africa, this is because this affiliate thing is still new, which is a perfect opportunity for you to jump in right now. For example, the Promta Web Services affiliate program pays from R180 to over R900 for only one successful referral. It is a company selling web design services and it pays out 15% for every successful referral. The good thing about affiliate programs is that they are free to join (most of them).

There are different types of affiliate programs, you can choose to be an affiliate of beauty related products, or clothing or health. All you have to do is send in one person to the business and start making money. However, some affiliate programs are cheap, you only get R5 per successful referral, the Promta Web Services affiliate program is one of the high paying ones in South Africa.

2) Freelance writing

Freelance writing can earn you extra income in South Africa with no money. I chose freelance writing specifically because other types of freelancing require you to have a skill and need money for the initial setup costs. A freelance writer is someone who does exactly what I am doing with this post. You have to create content for websites, the content can be in the form of news or information, content that people are interested in. It’s free to join, in South Africa you get paid around R150 to R300 per article if you are still an amateur and the money increases with your experience.

This is something you can do from home; all you have to do is find websites that take freelance writers in South Africa. Ones that are currently taking freelance writers is Briefly and The South African. You can write for these 2 websites and earn extra income, you can make R300 a day just from writing 2 posts, that turns out to be R9 000 per month. It’s more than just extra income.

3) Renting

You can rent out an extra space if you have it. This will initially set your back a bit but can be a good source of passive income.

Here is an article on how to make money online in South Africa. It goes into detail about how to make passive income in South Africa, the things listed there may need some initial investment but are very affordable.

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